Heritage Artists



Our Story
Idaho Heritage Artists
The Idaho Heritage Artists (IHA) is a community based non-profit organization working to promote decorative painting to the public by sharing ideas, techniques, and our love of painting. We have a long history starting with the first meeting held during a blizzard in January 1981, when 22 devoted, curious, or just plain foolish painters got together to organize a Painting Organization in the Boise, Idaho area.  We are currently 76 members strong!!
We invite you to attend a meeting and learn about the joys of decorative painting and the friendships you will form while sharing our passion for decorative art.  Our organization is open to all painters, novice to expert. First time painters will find a wealth of information, encouragement, and talent to draw from and the expert will find artists to share ideas and excitement of the art form. 
IHA holds 9 meetings per year with paint-ins following each meeting. The paint-in consists of a project or technique taught by one of our talented members.  We meet a 10th time on the first Saturday of December for our Christmas Party.

 A few things have not changed as the organization has grown:

  • The annual birthday party is celebrated in January
  • An ornament exchange is held in December at the Christmas party
  • New painters are always welcome to join our Organization
  • New and Old painters continue to learn from each other.


Come Visit our Facebook Page

Last updated January 2024





Numbers of visits to this page since June 18, 2012 - 720005

Idaho  Heritage Artists
Currently meeting at CapEd Administrative Office - 275 S. Stratford Dr Meridian, ID
Pat Marler, President
Glenice Powell, Webmaster